Lessons from the cat

Thusha Agampodi
1 min readOct 30, 2019

This is Tibul. She was there for many significant moments in my life — marriage, kids, house, but more importantly, the two of us shared many special moments that made up our everyday lives: getting the tomato garden ready in the Spring, chasing bunnies in the Summer, raking leaves in the Fall, sleeping under the Christmas tree every December.

She died this week after 16 years. So, before I forget, here are some life lessons I learned from Tibul.


cherish naps.


if someone rubs you the wrong way, make sure they know it.


when the door of opportunity opens, run through it and give it your all.


get some sun. vitamin D is good for everyone.


persist. you can get almost everything you want if you’re persistent.


good grooming habits are important.


you don’t always need to think outside the box.


be picky about who you love, not everyone deserves it.

